Sunday, December 31, 2006

Highlights of 2006

Well the end of another year and it has brought it's fair share of ups & downs.

I have embarked upon a new career in a completely different field to what I have been used to, as a result of my volunteering efforts in the last two years. I went for one job and got another! Got a place at University of Birmingham and yet another job working at a college where I was a student over 20 years ago. Surprisingly there are a still a few members of staff there that remember me (which isn't necessarily a good thing!). I then got another job working with young people in need of confidence building and motivation. And yet another job working with young people with learning difficulties. And yes you guessed it, got another job fitting hand controls onto cars. So now I am starting to fulfill one of my dreams, where I have several jobs and I am also self employed.

Fortunately there have been few lows this years however the biggest low was losing my lifelong best friend at the age of 39. We shared loads of experiences throughout life and even if he can't experience the future physically, he will always be there with me.

2007 marks a landmark birthday for me, its the big 40 . Apparently this is when life begins, so looking forward to that mid life crisis, sports car, and embarassingly dressing too young for my advanced years. Needless to say I won't be courting the camera as I hope it's going to be a time that I'll want to forget.

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