Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Is it only me that is getting upset with the media for creating a dumbed down society and inciting racial hatred by manipulating statistics and highlighting shock stories filled with absolutely every advdjective word known to man. For example today on my local radio station there was a feature on the 1 in 10 Muslims who support the bombers from the 7th July 2005 being made martyrs....That actually means that 9 out of 10 Muslims were against it!! This type of irresponsible journalism irritates me to the extreme.

And why is it that the BBC News is following the Americanism trends of ITV News. Now it used to be the the BBC was a talisman for responsible, precise news reporting, it seems that we are being dragged kicking and screaming into Americanism whereever we look. I am British and proud of it and I ask any like minded British person to kick this trend into touch and end this love affair with America before this country goes to rack and ruin.

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